
Implement an exceptional business process management method as we bring a custom-built Kanban solution for your design, development and maintenance processes ensuring substantial improvement in efficiency as well as productivity across the entire enterprise.

Let’s check out KanBo’s Kanban features that streamline progress tracking and make it easier for your organization to achieve its objectives.


Review & Monitor Progress at a Glance

With a singular information source, KanBo enables teams and knowledge workers to make quick progress through efficient communication. Kanban boards keep teams aware of the progress at all times by displaying the most relevant information for every underway project. This doesn't only simplify planning but lets people in each team know where work is enabling them to completely eliminate the delay between starting a job and knowing its completion status.

Boards can be deployed in a multitude of high-productivity environments allowing organizations to acquire timely feedback needed to make informed decisions. Progress is monitored and achieved by maintaining a permanent visual indicator of all information. This helps you improve the speed of workflow and enhances teamwork and communication.

Cards & Lists

Improve Project Visibility across Teams

Kanban board includes cards and lists that empower all of your organization's team members to track the project's progress and see their tasks chronologically through engaging visuals. The cards contain critical information related to every particular work item providing the entire team with complete visibility in terms of individual responsible for that work item, coworkers who are required to provide support, and a precise description of the job being done.

KanBo Kanban cards also permit team members to view the status of the work item with all the relevant details enhancing their focus, traceability, and quick identification of bottlenecks, weaknesses, and task dependencies. As work continues to move from one phase of the process to the next, Kanban Cards assist your team in discovering unnecessary delays. Basically, Kanban Cards and Lists have everything you need to get work done when it needs to be done.


Optimize Workflow to Enhance Efficient Productivity

Kanban View provides an impactful visual depiction of work in different phases. Having immediate visibility of progress encourages teams across the entire enterprise to define, optimize, and configure workflows for maximum productivity. The workflows can be as simple or as complex as required depending on the nature and scope of the project.

Through Kanban View, employees can effectively communicate with each other and plan and create workflows that provide an adequate status of a wide range of processes. Kanban Board and View help your organization's people define the priority of different tasks or whether they should work at all through the formation of work orders. This assists team members to find a solution to major and minor problems, overcome bottlenecks, and identify potential issues so they can be addressed right away.


Rely on Data to Make Informed Decisions

Agile reports is an exceptional Kanban Board features that deliver real-time visual metrics to provide insightful analytics that helps your organization in terms of tracking cycle time and identifying workflow bottlenecks relying on business diagrams.

The visual feedback does not only ensure meaningful reporting that can be understood across different teams but also enhances communication between agile workgroups and limits excessive mistakes and errors. The perfect blend of KanBo Kanban Board and Analytics View gives your teams everything they need for informed decision-making and designing highly efficient processes.