Work styles

Go beyond age, job role, or gender, with KanBo’s diverse offering for all. KanBo aspires to serve the diversity of the human experience by respecting and catering to different work styles in all their unique glory.

Go beyond age, job role, or gender, with KanBo’s diverse offering for all. KanBo aspires to serve the diversity of the human experience by respecting and catering to different work styles in all their unique glory.

Board Lists

Create a bird’s eye view of work

As the number of cards in your KanBo Board grows, it can be increasingly difficult to find the right ones to suit your needs. With KanBo’s Board Lists, you can effortlessly group cards and navigate to relevant cards contained in a board within seconds.

Board Lists act as containers for KanBo Cards inside boards and can be used to group cards according to particular attributes. Give your board lists familiar names, colors and describe their purpose to provide more clarity for all team members. KanBo allows you to create unlimited board lists for organizing your KanBo Cards within the board and easily visualizing complex work contexts. With Board Lists, your team can eliminate bottlenecks, optimize resources and improve processes on the fly. Following the evergreen KanBan board principle, Board Lists offer teams an intuitive bird’s eye view of their work.


Organizing and prioritizing work contexts

Labels are an intuitive way to simplify the organization and prioritization of cards. KanBo allows users to add labels to cards with full customization capabilities. Users can change the names and colors of labels to suit the unique structure and purpose of particular boards.

Beyond just providing extra information about the card, labels give you control over robust filtering and search capabilities, making navigation easier than ever before. Prioritizing tasks, organizing cards by teams, or cataloging a repository of cards by subject – You can use labels in a million different ways.

Board Collections

Maintain high level structure and align focus for your team and your organization

In large organizations where the number of boards grows at a fast rate, grouping relevant boards for easier navigation and focus becomes an absolute must. KanBo helps you add boards into Board Collections that are relevant to you, your team and your organization.

For example, if you have multiple boards representing your social media marketing workflow, you can create a Board Collection with that name for increased visibility, easier navigation and better organization. Here are some other things you can do with Board Collections:

  • You can add a single board in multiple board collections.
  • Easily navigate between collections, view the collections with most activity and find out which board has the highest priority.
  • Collections will also display aggregated counters of all unseen board activities contained by a collection – so you know where action is happening.
  • Board Collections can be shared with others, so you and your team have an aligned view that brings everyone together.

Board Templates

Promote and make organization wide learning more intuitive by utilizing operational knowledge

KanBo’s Board Templates are created for teams who want to achieve perfection in planning and project management through their organization’s accumulated knowledge. With templates, project teams are enabled to adapt through organizational learning to improve efficiency.

Not only can teams exchange valuable knowledge through single board templates, they can also share complex Board Collection Templates with multiple boards and interlinked card relations. The cards in the board templates can also contain the necessary documents needed to perform work within those cards. Streamline the flow of knowledge within your organization and boost productivity with board templates from our Templates Library.