Agile working culture

In agile environments, work transcends the boundaries of the office space and becomes an independent activity. It gives people the flexibility to work wherever they happen to be and whenever it suits them to do so – agility is a culture, not a process.

Gain insight on these KanBo features that help support agile working cultures in your organization.

Responsible and Co-workers in card

Responsible and Co-workers in card

KanBo Cards are work contexts built around real-world entities like buildings, tasks, contracts, issues, and much more. Much like in any real-world scenario, someone needs to be in charge of cards even when there are several people working on it.

In KanBo you can choose people as responsible or co-worker to a card. Responsibilities may change with time, but it is always clear who is in charge. Another important aspect of clear responsibilities is the visibility how much work is on anybody’s plate.

Invite others to participate

Go beyond hierarchical or geographical boundaries

Agility is best achieved when employees are empowered to collaborate and communicate at all levels of the organization.

Inviting Others

By giving people the opportunity to invite others into a board or a card, KanBo opens up a new channel of communication and knowledge-sharing. You can invite a team member, someone from another department or even an external individual.

KanBo People Search

To help you find the right people, KanBo introduces: The KanBo People Search. Through People Search, you can find people equipped with the specific skillsets you need to overcome a particular challenge.

Open Book

The authority to invite people and create new boards depends on your company culture and governance policies. Some companies only want a few people or the IT department to create new Boards and invite externals. However, if an organization wants a more inclusive environment, they can opt for KanBo’s Open Book settings. Once set, it allows everyone with access to KanBo to create new Boards and easily invite others to collaborate.

KanBo ensures that there is open and continuous communication across locations or departments to spark more opportunities for innovation.

Discover similar contexts

Discover existing operational knowledge

Repeating work and unshared expertise is costing departments all over the world a lot of time and resources. What is the point of perfecting something in one part of the organization if another part of the business has to reinvent the wheel later on?

KanBo solves this problem of duplication of effort at its root by providing a mechanism to discover similar KanBo Boards. Based on the Board description, cards and content analysis of a board, KanBo can suggest boards doing the same nature of work. This helps employees to connect with others who are tackling the same problems within the organization. Instead starting from scratch employees can join forces and profit from shared expertise and resources.