Work coordination platform

Designed for the automotive industry

As a leader in innovation, you understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the fast-moving automotive 4.0 world. KanBo provides you with the tools to do just that by facilitating smart factory operations, streamlining project management, fostering collaboration and solving complex problems.

Did you know - KanBo Card Documents can simplify document management for Process Managers in the Automotive Industry?

Card Documents

Card Documents are attachments that are stored within the KanBo cards. This allows users to attach files, images, videos, and more, to a specific card for easy access and collaboration. Documents can be added to a card in several ways, such as drag and drop, copy and paste, or by creating document groups and folders.

So when can you use Card Documents? Well, here are a few examples:

  • You're working on a project with multiple team members and need a central location where everyone can access and edit important files.
  • You want to keep track of specific documents related to a particular task or project.
  • You want to create a knowledge base of various documents and resources for a department or team.

If you're in the automotive industry, you can use KanBo Card Documents in several ways to improve your daily work. For example:

  • You can create a document folder for your sales team with key product sheets and presentations that can be accessed quickly during client meetings.
  • You can upload important training documents and videos for onboarding new employees.
  • You can share and work on CAD (Computer Aided Design) designs and technical drawings with the engineering department.

By using KanBo Card Documents, you can streamline your document management, improve collaboration among team members, and increase productivity and efficiency, especially in the fast-paced and competitive automotive industry.

So, next time you're working on a project or collaborating with team members, give Card Documents a try and see how it can make your work life easier.

Use case

Let's take a use-case scenario of a Process Manager in the automotive industry who is using KanBo Card Documents to manage his document requirements.

The Process Manager is responsible for designing and perfecting the sales process for a new autonomous driving technology product that the company has developed. He needs to ensure speedy implementation across all markets while supporting standardization. With several team members working on this project, he requires a centralized location for all relevant documents and resources.

To begin, the Process Manager creates a card for the sales process which includes document groups for various materials, such as product brochures, training materials, technical specifications, and sales training videos.

With KanBo Card Documents, the Process Manager can add different file types, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF, either by uploading or drag-and-drop. He can organize all files into relevant document groups and ensure that all team members have access to the latest version of the information they require.

Additionally, he can use Microsoft Office skills to edit and update files right within the KanBo platform, without having to keep track of multiple versions or use external tools. The Document References feature helps him to easily check which cards include the documents he has shared, ensuring that any changes made to the documents are consistently updated across all the relevant cards.

The Process Manager can also add comments and descriptions to each document, to make sure that all team members have a clear understanding of the documents they are working on. This allows for better communication and collaboration while reducing the chance of errors or misinterpretations.

Overall, the Process Manager has found KanBo Card Documents to be an exceptional solution for managing documents and resources in the sales process, streamlining his work and ensuring that all team members have the necessary materials to get the job done effectively and efficiently.

Go to Card Documents →

Work coordination platform

Designed for the automotive industry

As a leader in innovation, you understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the fast-moving automotive 4.0 world. KanBo provides you with the tools to do just that by facilitating smart factory operations, streamlining project management, fostering collaboration and solving complex problems.

Did you know that KanBo Card Documents can simplify document management for Process Managers in the Automotive Industry?

Card Documents

Card Documents are attachments that are stored within the KanBo cards. This allows users to attach files, images, videos, and more, to a specific card for easy access and collaboration. Documents can be added to a card in several ways, such as drag and drop, copy and paste, or by creating document groups and folders.

So when can you use Card Documents? Well, here are a few examples:

  • You're working on a project with multiple team members and need a central location where everyone can access and edit important files.
  • You want to keep track of specific documents related to a particular task or project.
  • You want to create a knowledge base of various documents and resources for a department or team.

If you're in the automotive industry, you can use KanBo Card Documents in several ways to improve your daily work. For example:

  • You can create a document folder for your sales team with key product sheets and presentations that can be accessed quickly during client meetings.
  • You can upload important training documents and videos for onboarding new employees.
  • You can share and work on CAD (Computer Aided Design) designs and technical drawings with the engineering department.

By using KanBo Card Documents, you can streamline your document management, improve collaboration among team members, and increase productivity and efficiency, especially in the fast-paced and competitive automotive industry.

So, next time you're working on a project or collaborating with team members, give Card Documents a try and see how it can make your work life easier.

Use case

Let's take a use-case scenario of a Process Manager in the automotive industry who is using KanBo Card Documents to manage his document requirements.

The Process Manager is responsible for designing and perfecting the sales process for a new autonomous driving technology product that the company has developed. He needs to ensure speedy implementation across all markets while supporting standardization. With several team members working on this project, he requires a centralized location for all relevant documents and resources.

To begin, the Process Manager creates a card for the sales process which includes document groups for various materials, such as product brochures, training materials, technical specifications, and sales training videos.

With KanBo Card Documents, the Process Manager can add different file types, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF, either by uploading or drag-and-drop. He can organize all files into relevant document groups and ensure that all team members have access to the latest version of the information they require.

Additionally, he can use Microsoft Office skills to edit and update files right within the KanBo platform, without having to keep track of multiple versions or use external tools. The Document References feature helps him to easily check which cards include the documents he has shared, ensuring that any changes made to the documents are consistently updated across all the relevant cards.

The Process Manager can also add comments and descriptions to each document, to make sure that all team members have a clear understanding of the documents they are working on. This allows for better communication and collaboration while reducing the chance of errors or misinterpretations.

Overall, the Process Manager has found KanBo Card Documents to be an exceptional solution for managing documents and resources in the sales process, streamlining his work and ensuring that all team members have the necessary materials to get the job done effectively and efficiently.

Go to Card Documents →